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Shelby Beechler

Shelby Beechler began her martial arts career with Team Lockout Jujutsu in 2007.   She started as an amateur MMA competitor and hung up her gloves as a professional.   She received her Shodan “First Degree Black Belt” (2015) and Nidan "Second Degree Black Belt" through the United States Judo Association in 2018, which is recognized both nationally and internationally. 


To meet Lockout Jujutsu’s instructor requirements Shelby obtained her Indiana concealed carry license, became CPR and Heads Up certified. 


On top of developing her empty hand skills she has become proficient firearms handling and tactics.  Shelby has proven her firearms knowledge by becoming an NRA certified instructor; successfully completing the NRA basic pistol, NRA home firearms safety, and NRA basic rifle courses and protection in and outside of the home. 

Through our network of instructors Shelby has taken the time to drill a variety of medical and basic first aid techniques.  Her philosophy and belief is that if you spend years learning to take apart an attacker you should also spend years learning to put people back together.  You will have more opportunities to aid someone then you ever will to defend from someone’s attacks.


Shelby dedicates her time at Lockout Jujutsu, passing on the art as a men’s and women’s self-defense and firearms instructor.  She, herself is a survivor and has turned some of these lessons into tools to make herself a better teacher and counselor.  Shelby strives to convey the health and healing benefits of the Martial arts to her students and strongly believes that through the martial arts anyone can be changed for the better.



Nidan in Japanese Jujutsu (USJA)

Concealed Carry Weapon in Indiana

Concealed Carry Weapon Arizona

Concealed Carry Weapon Utah


Certified NRA Instructor Pistol

Certified NRA Instructor Rifle

Certified NRA Instructor Personal Protection in the Home

Certified NRA Instructor Personal Protection Outside of the Home

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